Green Discussion in 2018

About Green Discussion

Green Discussion is a part of annual campaigns led by NYCA. The name itself clarifies the concept of 'Green Discussion', as a platform where youths from diverse backgrounds belonging to different institutions gather together at a place for discussion over certain specified topics. It mainly leads to discussions over the ongoing environment-related issues and climate change. A resource person will be invited to speak on the topic, who then puts forward his/her experiences and knowledge presenting the concept and clarify about the unsolved doubts of participants leading the discussion.


  • To aware youths about climate change, climate-related laws, climate actions
  • To build youth capacity on knowledge, leadership and raising voice against injustice
  • To work together with youths to solve environmental and sustainability problems
  • To build a network between youths and also environmentalists

 Topics :

 Solid  Waste Management and its Condition In Nepal 

 Date: Jan 25, 2018

Description: The unwanted or useless solid materials generated from home activities in residential, industrial, or commercial areas is known as solid waste. The rate of increment of solid waste in the urban areas is more than the rural areas which have brought a challenging aspect in solid waste management in the urban areas. Solid waste management affects livelihood, sanitation, public health, freshwater, terrestrial ecosystem, and sustainable use of natural resources which are directly linked with societal welfare. At present, Solid waste Management is one of the prioritized responsibilities of the Local government. The local governments are facing serious challenges to manage solid wastes in cities. The SWM act,2068 of Nepal has made the local government responsible for the operation and management of infrastructures for the collection treatment and final disposal Of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) but still, due to limited information on solid waste status, inadequate final resources and insufficient well- trained human resource the mission has not been reached.

Youth Entrepreneurship And Environment 
Date:  Mar 16, 2018 

Impact of Land Use/ Land Cover on Water balance
Date: April 2, 2018

 Water is an extremely essential element to sustain life on the earth and on the other side, the growing population is raising the demand for water. The availability of water is largely dependent on rainfall distribution and the long dry season may also affect the water resource of any region. The land cover indicates the physical type of land such as water or forest areas whereas land use refers to the way of the use of land by humans. Land use and land cover significantly affect the proportion of interflow, surface runoff, evaporation of water. These all cause disturbances in Water balance.


Urban Mobility: Is Road Expansion a Sustainable Solution?
Date: July 20, 2018 


Status of Tiger Monitoring in Nepal; Comparing results of the Past (2008/09 & 2013/14
Date: August 3, 2018